Dear TLTA members,
It has been my great honor to serve as the 108th president of TLTA this year, and I’m grateful for all the TLTA leaders, volunteers and other industry professionals who contributed to our association’s successes during my tenure.
Among our top accomplishments over the last 12 months were our advocacy efforts at the Texas Legislature, which recently concluded their 88th Regular Session. We worked with lawmakers and legislative leadership to pass 100% of the items on our association’s legislative agenda, helped stop bad bills from becoming law, and amended dozens of bills that will impact Texas consumers, our industry and our building trades partners. None of these legislative session successes would have been possible without our Board of Directors, our legislative committee chaired by Steve Streiff, and the army of industry volunteers who help us maintain effective lines of communications with lawmakers all year long. You can learn more about our legislative work in this end-of-session wrap-up: TLTA’s Session Results Report.
I mentioned TLTA volunteers several times above, but I can’t leave my post without saying it one more time: the power of TLTA’s volunteer base is second to none. If you’re not involved yet in the powerful network of professionals who make up TLTA’s volunteer network, I encourage you to send Kim Schoppert a note; she can help you find your place among this group of distinguished professionals.
Also worth noting and celebrating is the work of our Seller Impersonation Fraud Task Force, chaired by David Tandy. This group hit the ground running a few months ago in response to this exploding new fraud scheme in our marketplace. In a very short amount of time, this committed group of professionals has produced three educational programs, developed best practices for the industry, and partnered with the Texas Real Estate Commission and Texas Realtors to educate Realtors on how they can spot and prevent these fraudulent sales.
I just scratched the surface noting the accomplishments and successes above. You can learn more about our association’s work during my presidency in TLTA’s Year at a Glance. I will be talking about all of this and more during our Annual Conference and Business Meeting in San Antonio next week. If you haven’t made your plans to join us yet, you can register here or call TLTA’s offices at 512.472.6593 and one of our talented staff members will help you register.
While our work never ends and our industry’s challenges and opportunities will continue after my time as president concludes next week, I am grateful to know that our incoming president, the honorable Rodney Anderson, is up to the task and shares my commitment to fighting for our industry and the Texans we serve.
I am humbled that you chose me to serve as your president this year, and I remain grateful for the opportunity. My best to all of you.
Paul R. Rodriguez