A Word

From Our CEO

WELCOME to our website!

We’re glad you’re here.  We’ve tried to provide you with information about who we are, what we do and where to find/contact us.  Please review our Menu Tab for access to things like what a homebuyer needs to know about the closing process, calculators for mortgage payments and policy premiums, as well as estimated fees for a variety of transactions.  Real estate agents also have the ability to review our ValleyLandAgent app that is an outstanding tool for providing “real time” information for prospective buyers and/or sellers.  There’s lots more and we invite you to peruse our offerings.

Thank you for visiting us!

Paul R. Rodriguez
President / CEO

– Paul R. Rodriguez

Taking the time to ensure a comprehensive property purchase is what we are all about. Our customers appreciate that our team is thorough and also efficient. Saving time without missing the details is what we do.

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